פתיחת התפריט הראשי
דף הבית
כניסה לחשבון
אודות חב"דציטוט
עריכת הדף "
אינכם מחוברים לחשבון. כתובת ה־IP שלכם תוצג בפומבי אם תבצעו עריכות כלשהן. אם
תיכנסו לחשבון
תיצרו חשבון
, העריכות שלכם תיוחסנה לשם המשתמש שלכם ותקבלו גם יתרונות אחרים.
בדיקת אנטי־ספאם.
למלא שדה זה!
--[[--------------------------< C O N F I G U R A T I O N >---------------------------------------------------- global configuration settings ]] local config = { maxurls = 10, -- Max number of URLs allowed. tname = 'Webarchive', -- name of calling template. Change if template rename. verifydates = true, -- See documentation. Set false to disable. } --[[--------------------------< U N C A T E G O R I Z E D _ N A M E S P A C E S >------------------------------ List of namespaces that should not be included in citation error categories. Note: Namespace names should use underscores instead of spaces. ]] local uncategorized_namespaces = { -- same list as specified at [[Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration]] ['משתמש']=true, ['שיחה']=true, ['שיחת_משתמש']=true, ['שיחת_חב"דפדיה']=true, ['שיחת_קובץ']=true, ['שיחת_תבנית']=true, ['שיחת_עזרה']=true, ['שיחת_קטגוריה']=true, ['_שיחת פורטל']=true, ['שיחת_טיוטה']=true, ['שיחת_יחידה']=true, ['שיחת_מדיה_ויקי']=true, } local uncategorized_subpages = {'/[Ss]andbox', '/[Tt]estcases'}; -- list of Lua patterns found in page names of pages we should not categorize local excepted_pages = { -- these pages will be categorized if set true; set to nil to disable ['Module talk:Webarchive/testcases'] = true, -- test cases pages used during development ['Template:Webarchive/testcases/Production'] = true, } --[[--------------------------< C A T E G O R I E S >---------------------------------------------------------- this is a table of all categories supported by Module:Webarchive ]] local categories = { archiveis = 'קטגוריה:קישורי ארכיון באמצעות Webarchive', error = 'קטגוריה:שגיאות בתבנית Webarchive', other = 'קטגוריה:ארכיונים אחרים בתבנית Webarchive', unknown = 'קטגוריה:ארכיונים לא מוכרים בתבנית Webarchive', warning = 'קטגוריה:אזהרות של תבנית Webarchive', wayback = 'קטגוריה:קישורי wayback מתבנית Webarchive', webcite = 'קטגוריה:קישורים webcite מתבנית Webarchive', } --[[--------------------------< P R E F I X E S >-------------------------------------------------------------- used only with serviceName(), this table holds the two generic tail-text prefixes specified by services['<service name>'][1] ]] local prefixes = { at = 'ב', atthe = 'בארכיון', } --[=[-------------------------< S E R V I C E S >-------------------------------------------------------------- this is a table of tables for archive services. Each service table has: [1]=prefix; may be boolean true or false, or text string where: true indicates that the prefix is taken from prefixes.atthe false indicates that the prefix is taken from prefixes.at 'text string' is used in lieu of the typical 'at' or 'at the' prefix [2]=wikilink target article that describes the service; set to nil if not used [3]=wikilink label; the label in [[target|label]]; set to nil if not used; when there is not article ([2] is nil) use this to name the service; see wikiwix in the table [4]=service ID; set to nil if not used [5]=tracking category key from the categories table; set to nil if not used [6]=postfix; text string to be appended at the end of the tail string - see webarchive.loc.gov in the table ]=] local services = { ['archive.ec'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive.fo'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive.is'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive.li'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive.md'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive.org'] = {true, 'Wayback Machine', nil, 'wayback', categories.wayback}, ['archive.ph'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive.today'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive.vn'] = {false, 'Archive.today', nil, 'archiveis', categories.archiveis}, ['archive-it.org'] = {false, 'Archive-It', nil, 'archiveit'}, ['arquivo.pt'] = {true, nil, 'Portuguese Web Archive'}, ['bibalex.org'] = {false, 'Bibliotheca Alexandrina#Internet Archive partnership', 'Bibliotheca Alexandrina'}, ['collectionscanada'] = {true, 'Canadian Government Web Archive'}, ['europarchive.org'] = {true, 'National Library of Ireland'}, ['freezepage.com'] = {false, nil, 'Freezepage'}, ['haw.nsk'] = {true, 'Croatian Web Archive (HAW)'}, ['langzeitarchivierung.bib-bvb.de'] = {false, 'Bavarian State Library'}, ['loc.gov'] = {true, 'Library of Congress'}, ['nationalarchives.gov.uk'] = {true, 'UK Government Web Archive'}, ['nlb.gov.sg'] = {false, 'Web Archive Singapore'}, ['pandora.nla.gov.au'] = {false, 'Pandora Archive'}, ['parliament.uk'] = {true, 'UK Parliament\'s Web Archive'}, ['perma.cc'] = {false, 'Perma.cc'}, ['perma-archives.cc'] = {false, 'Perma.cc'}, ['proni.gov'] = {true, 'Public Record Office of Northern Ireland'}, ['screenshots.com'] = {false, nil, 'Screenshots'}, ['stanford.edu'] = {true, 'Stanford University Libraries', 'Stanford Web Archive'}, ['timetravel.mementoweb.org'] = {false, 'Memento Project'}, ['uni-lj.si'] = {true, nil, 'Slovenian Web Archive'}, ['veebiarhiiv.digar.ee'] = {true, nil, 'Estonian Web Archive'}, ['vefsafn.is'] = {true, 'National and University Library of Iceland'}, ['webarchive.bac-lac.gc.ca'] = {false, 'Library and Archives Canada'}, ['webarchive.loc.gov'] = {true, 'Library of Congress', nil, 'locwebarchives', nil, 'Web Archives'}, ['webarchive.org.uk'] = {true, 'UK Web Archive'}, ['webcache.googleusercontent.com'] = {false, nil, 'Google Cache'}, ['webcitation.org'] = {false, 'WebCite', nil, 'webcite', categories.webcite}, ['webharvest.gov'] = {true, 'National Archives and Records Administration'}, ['webrecorder.io'] = {false, 'webrecorder.io'}, ['wikiwix.com'] = {false, nil, 'Wikiwix'}, ['yorku.ca'] = {false, 'York University Libraries', 'York University Digital Library'}, } --[[--------------------------< S T A T I C T E X T >-------------------------------------------------------- for internationalzation ]] local s_text = { addlarchives = 'Additional archives', addlpages = 'Additional pages archived on', -- TODO why the there? replace with regular space? Archive_index = 'Archive index', Archived = 'אורכב', archived = 'אורכב', archive = 'ארכיון', Page = 'דף', } --[[--------------------------< E R R _ W A R N _ M S G S >---------------------------------------------------- these tables hold error and warning message text ]] local err_warn_msgs = { date_err = '[שגיאה בתאריך]', -- decodeWebciteDate, decodeWaybackDate, decodeArchiveisDate date_miss = '[חסר תאריך]', -- parseExtraArgs ts_short = '[Timestamp date length]', -- decodeWaybackDate timestamp less than 8 digits ts_date = '[Timestamp date invalid]', -- decodeWaybackDate timestamp not a valid date unknown_url = '[Error: unknown archive URL]', -- serviceName unnamed_params = '[Positional parameters ignored]', --warnings mismatch = '<sup>[Date mismatch]</sup>', -- webarchive ts_len = '<sup>[Timestamp length]</sup>', -- decodeWaybackDate, decodeArchiveisDate timestamp not 14 digits ts_cal = '<sup>[Calendar]</sup>', -- decodeWaybackDate timestamp has trailing splat } local crit_err_msgs = { -- critical error messages conflicting = 'התנגשות בין |$1= ובין |$2=', empty = 'url ריק', -- iabot1 = 'https://web.http', -- TODO: these iabot bugs perportedly fixed; removing these causes lua script error -- iabot2 = 'Invalid URL', -- at Template:Webarchive/testcases/Production; resolve that before deleting these messages invalid_url = 'URL לא תקין', ts_nan = 'Timestamp not a number', unknown = 'Unknown problem. Please report on template talk page', } --[[--------------------------< D A T E I N T E R N A T I O N A L I Z A T I O N >---------------------------- these tables hold data that is used when converting date formats from non-English languages (because mw.language.getContentLanguage:formatDate() doesn't understand non-English month names) ]] local month_num = { -- retain English language names even though they may not be strictly required on the local wiki ['January'] = 1, ['February'] = 2, ['March'] = 3, ['April'] = 4, ['May'] = 5, ['June'] = 6, ['July'] = 7, ['August'] = 8, ['September'] = 9, ['October'] = 10, ['November'] = 11, ['December'] = 12, ['Jan'] = 1, ['Feb'] = 2, ['Mar'] = 3, ['Apr'] = 4, ['May'] = 5, ['Jun'] = 6, ['Jul'] = 7, ['Aug'] = 8, ['Sep'] = 9, ['Oct'] = 10, ['Nov'] = 11, ['Dec'] = 12, -- add local wiki month-names to number translation here ['ינואר'] = 1, ['פברואר'] = 2, ['מרץ'] = 3, ['אפריל'] = 4, ['מאי'] = 5, ['יוני'] = 6, ['יולי'] = 7, ['אוגוסט'] = 8, ['ספטמבר'] = 9, ['אוקטובר'] = 10, ['נובמבר'] = 11, ['דצמבר'] = 12, }; -- when the local wiki uses non-western digits in dates, local wiki digits must be -- translated to western digits; lua only understands western digits local digits = { -- use this table to aid translation -- [''] = 0, [''] = 1, [''] = 2, [''] = 3, [''] = 4, [''] = 5, [''] = 6, [''] = 7, [''] = 8, [''] = 9, -- fill these table indexes with local digits enable = false -- set to true to enable local-digit to western-digit translation }; --[[--------------------------< P A R A M E T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L I Z A T I O N >------------------ this table holds tables of parameter names and their non-English aliases. In the enum_params table '#' is a single character placeholder for 1 or more digit characters parameter names in this table shall be lowercase ]] local params = { ['url'] = {'url'}, ['date'] = {'date', 'datum', 'תאריך'}, ['title'] = {'title', 'titel', 'כותרת'}, ['nolink'] = {'nolink'}, ['format'] = {'format'} } local enum_params = { ['url#'] = {'url#'}, ['date#'] = {'date#', 'datum#', 'תאריך#'}, ['title#'] = {'title#', 'titel#', 'כותרת#'}, } local format_vals = { -- |format= accepts two values; add local language variants here ['addlpages'] = {'addlpages'}, ['addlarchives'] = {'addlarchives'}, } --[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D T A B L E S >------------------------------------------------ ]] return { categories = categories, config = config, crit_err_msgs = crit_err_msgs, digits = digits, enum_params = enum_params, err_warn_msgs = err_warn_msgs, excepted_pages = excepted_pages, format_vals = format_vals, month_num = month_num, params = params, prefixes = prefixes, services = services, s_text = s_text, uncategorized_namespaces = uncategorized_namespaces, uncategorized_subpages = uncategorized_subpages, }
לתשומת ליבך: תרומתך לאתר חב"דציטוט תפורסם לפי תנאי הרישיון רישיון חופשי למסמכים של גנו גרסה 1.3 או חדשה יותר (אפשר לעיין בדף
חב"דציטוט:זכויות יוצרים
לפרטים נוספים). אם אינך רוצה שעבודתך תהיה זמינה לעריכה על־ידי אחרים, שתופץ לעיני כול, ושאחרים יוכלו להעתיק ממנה תוך ציון המקור – אין לפרסם אותה פה.
כמו־כן, שמירת העריכה משמעה הבטחה שכתבת את הטקסט הזה בעצמך או העתקת אותו ממקור בנחלת הכלל (שאינו מוגבל בזכויות יוצרים) או מקור חופשי דומה.
אין לשלוח חומר מוגבל בזכויות יוצרים ללא רשות!
עזרה בעריכה
(נפתח בחלון חדש)
תבנית המופיעה בדף זה: